All he needs to do is sign with the address which received funds from the Genesis block, or with another address known to be owned by satoshi. The address is
It should be an extremely simple task, and if satoshi ever wanted to return they could do that in just a few minutes, provided that they still have access to that address (which they most likely do).
You know that Craig Wright was a bastard, for example, because he made providing that he was satoshi look like some kind of arduous task. Here's what he said:
For some there is no burden of proof high enough, no evidence that cannot be dismissed as fabrication or manipulation. This is the nature of belief and swimming against this current would be futile.
I will present what I believe to be 'extraordinary proof' and ask only that it be independently validated. Ultimately, I can do no more than that.
If you mined the genesis block, you are satoshi (unless their computers were stolen/hacked, which is unlikely considering that all the funds are still in their addresses).