Hello to all the community o(^_^)o ! Could I have some of your time ?
Our company is creating a mining farm and has the will to share his earning with people in needs. So we're creating a backoffice accessible through our website which will offer people to invest safely. This will generate profits and the customer will be able to withdraw his bitcoins once a month.
Our issue :
We want the customer to be able to withdraw the amount of his profits by clicking on a "withdrawal" button, and this will trigger an automated mechanism that will withdraw this amount from our Bitcoin "bank". (Actually, we have the ambition to create our own payment processor to remain independent and provide a 100% uptime service to our customers).
Someone recommended to me to go for a Bitcoin Full Node, and another one told me to use API's from existing payment processor but to be honest, I'm lost (@_@). I don't want to take too much of your time, I'd just need a little help so that we could help many people in the future.
Is someone able to help me or tell me the right ressources to follow in order to :
1) Allow our customers to trigger wihtdraw through their Backoffice.
2) Create our own Bitcoin "bank" (processor).
I will never thank you enough for your precious help !
Have a great day ;-)