StarCash Bounty ProgramStarCash TranslationsTranslations of How to Page - 50 STAR Promotional BountiesInfographics about StarCash 20 STAR each
Youtube Videos (e.g. vlog type material) about StarCash in general
1 STAR per 200 subscribers + 1 STAR per 1000 views
* Must be from relevant (e.g. cryptocurrency related) youtube account
* If the video is not original content, the reward is half
Production Promotional Videos (e.g. describing skycoin technology, could be included on website) - 200 STAR
* You can also post this to your youtube channel and collect that bounty
GIFs - 20 STAR each
Blog posts, articles* Negotiable based on views, publishing outlet, quality
Please be sincere with content produced for the bounty program. If something appears to be done in bad faith we may reject or reduce the reward (for example, fake youtube views, sloppy infographics)
If you have other ideas for promoting StarCash that deserve a bounty, please
suggest them in the telegram channels.
Apply for rewards from the bounty program in the StarCash Telegram channel: you have any questions, please do not hesitate to PM me or join the channel.
StarCash Team