The ArtByte Fall Artist Festival on Reddit starts today, Sept 7th and lasts all fall. Artists & fans, tip an artist and receive double tips yourself!Support your favorite artists and earn for yourself, during ArtByte's Fall Artist Festivals!
How it worksWhen you, as an artist or fan tip an artist on Reddit, the ArtByte Foundation will give you back double the amount (up to 80 ABY), when the tip is verified. On Reddit, if the artist does not claim their tip within 2 days, the tip is automatically refunded to you.
For example, if you tip an artist 40 ArtBytes, the foundation will give you 80!
You can tip as many artists as you like during the fall (up to 5 per day). You can tip any amount you like, we will reimburse the 1st 40 and double it (up to 40 bonus) Only one tip per artist.
Need some ArtByte's to get started?We will also give you 40 ArtBytes to get started!
Just subscribe to our subreddit ( and post the following on our reddit Artist Festival Announcement thread.
"I support artists!"
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