Your should NEVER bitcoin in a hurry... that is a surefire way to screw something up and lose coins.
Also, the transaction you posted: seems to have confirmed. It looks like 0.0193 BTC was sent from 1Lr8UiSbFS341TQWqJXSeRoy1DSmKiNnfD to 163433n4Vb9jVhDEJmnjoSMoe38yc7gsGk.
It isn't that difficult at all if you read carefully and take your time.
The entire process of claiming your BCH is very simple and goes something like this:
1. Send your BTC to a new wallet (This is to safeguard your BTC)
2. Import your OLD BTC private keys into a BCH wallet
3. There is no step 3.
You seem to have managed to achieve Step 1 already, so that's good... to do Step 2, I'd suggest a nice each approach of simply installing
ElectronCash and importing your OLD BTC private key(s) into that. You should get all your BCH and you can then send them wherever you want (Bittrex etc.) using a similar UI to Electrum.