Need details about the team and your legal position in the country where willing to establish. The project cant confirm it's success with only a developped whitepaper. The website is very poor; at least add information about the team and the proposed roadmap (this doesn't need funds).
We will be releasing more info, and an updated White Paper soon. We are just beginning the process.
Here is some legal info:
Trust Number IT 343/2012
PBO Number 930 040 739
Based in Johannesburg South Africa
This is a non-profit project backed by the assets under the control of the conservation project, we don't have the corporate resources to build a suitable high end ICO website and extensive White Paper, this is a charity movement at the bleeding edge of a new funding mechanism for charity worldwide. We hope you can get behind it and feel free to ask us anything.
Information about the team is in the Whitepaper and on our Kickstarter campaign page.