Ok... this is to start a brainstorming thread on how to code up a GPU miner for Primecoin.
The code in question resides here:
https://github.com/primecoin/primecoin/blob/master/src/prime.cppline 341; MineProbablePrimeChain method
runs Sieve of Eratosthenes: psieve.reset(new CSieveOfEratosthenes(nMaxSieveSize, block.nBits, block.GetHeaderHash(), bnFixedMultiplier));
then a while loop:
while (nCurrent - nStart <
10000 && nCurrent >= nStart && pindexPrev == pindexBest) over 10,000 primes.
looking for anything that fulfills this criteria:
if (ProbablePrimeChainTest(bnChainOrigin, block.nBits, false, nChainLengthCunningham1, nChainLengthCunningham2, nChainLengthBiTwin))
simple enough!
someone should have a GPU implementation by the end of the day today!