March 01, 2019, 09:01:03 AM |
We would like to offer your currency or asset non-profit, non-keeping payment gate.
This solution will not generate you profit, but allow users of your currency/asset enable payment in your currency/asset at their websites.
Gate will not keep any currency, automatically withdraw without fee(but you can set) to merchant's wallet and send POST request to merchant server.
Scheme is very easy: 1. Customer comes to Merchant Website(Music Store, for example). 2. Choose track that he want to buy. 3. Continue to checkout and choose payment method: YOUR CURRENCY 4. By sending simple HTML form to your gate, customer will get easy page, with payment instructions (address where to pay, amount and etc.) 5. After payment complete, user will be redirected back to "Music Store" and gate will send to "Music Store" payment confirmation via POST request 6. Customer will get able to download track, Music Store will get his currency on his wallet immediately. NO Storage of coins on gate wallets.
Features: - Payment statistics - Transaction anti-tampering signing, via SHA256 tokens - Easy payment form generator - Transaction send-receive-process-send to merchant wallet takes less than 5 seconds
Contact me via telegram: georgetagirov