Bitcoin is getting popular day by day and the number of coins in the market is approximately 17 million coins are already mined. The few are left. I don’t know what will happen next after all this coins are over. But I hope that after the coins are over we will see some new magic’s in the market.
This is the most interesting thing about placing a limit on Bitcoin. It is probably one of the reasons of having a deflationary Bitcoin. Unfortunately our emotions won't let us to see things clearly. I think the idea is that Bitcoin continues going up as it gets scarce so that there is enough to serve the demands and when the limit is eventually reached?
If Bitcoin is corruptly (without consensus) stabilized at $10,000 how do you get more Bitcoin to buy if for example every Bitcoin owner is saving/holding? Bitcoin is never going to be stable. Stabilization of scarce and valuable commodity is very artificial (introduce by man) and unsustainable. It's either no limit is placed (like ethereum) and price is kept stable OR a limit is placed with the deflation (like Bitcoin).