The DigitalNomad Laboratories are based in Paris, France.
We develop blockchain and cryptocurrency solutions for customers worldwide. We do not only provide the techical solution, but also support you to market and to operate your solution.
The "DigitalNomade Blokchain Suite" is an eco-system developped by the DigitalNomad Laboraties. It allows to develop in a cost-effective way state-of-the art blockchain applications and cryptocurrencies.
DESI - Design Coin is a coin that is designed to create, manage and distribute wealth.
It is an ERC20 type of Coin, running on the ETH network. You can store it in your on-line ethernet wallet.
The first application being developped for the DESI coin is an HR Rewards & Benefits application, to distribute DESI coins to employees and other contributors to an organisation. It will be suited for both commercial and non-profit organisations.
In total 10,000,000 coins are available.
20 % of all coins will be used to promote the coin via marketing and publicity. This is the coin with the highest focus on marketing and publicity, which will result in brand awareness and continous increase of price.
The DESI coin will soon be made available via different Exchanges.
More info on the project via