I'm observing Shift and consider it very interesting.
I have a question for Shift experts: I've looked at the whitepaper and the FAQ, but I don't understand how exactly the Shift DNS works. Supposedly, a publisher has to provide a CNAME entry to be able to be found by a reader who accesses Shift with a browser. But a CNAME entry points to another domain. In the whitepaper it is clarified that it points to a "gateway":
In order for a new site to join the system, that operator must provide a CNAME record for
their domain which is pointed at the gateway. In the event an operator does not want to use the
gateway, the operator can create DNS records pointing to their own gateway. The data will still
be delivered from the cluster, but the site will lose some of the benefits of the Phantom gateway,
mainly the guarantee that all healthy nodes that are available for serving are utilized.
Does that mean that the "Phantom Gateway" is a single point of failure? Who is running it? Can there be multiple "Phantom Gateways"? But if that is true, how to point to multiple Phantom Gateways via CNAME entries - wouldn't have the publisher then provide a new CNAME entry each time a new Phantom Gateway appears?
PS: I consider this an "Altcoin Discussion" topic, not a Speculation topic ...