Hello all! I am very new crypto and I am often lost in this sea of alts and information. I made a text mining bot that analyses cryptocurrency related news and looks for the most mentioned altcoins on a weekly basis. My aim is to build a better informed crypto community, and hopefully people with more experience can help the newer people in this community.
I feel that this can help me look for projects/coins that are being talked about, giving me a starting point into the Altcoins world. The results of my findings are published in
The blog also have description of some Alts that my bot (HunterCat) found. I hope that this can help to build a better informed crypto community where we can all go to the moon together! Thank you for reading and do give any feedback or comments on my recently created bot and website. Thanks for reading! Have a good day and stay safe!
Problem is most mentioned alts in news does not correlate to positive price action.. very few times does the market allow full blown noobie fomo to roam unchecked like it did in December.. you can see Tron and Verge are often times in the top 20 most mentioned coins, but both are functioning poorly.. same with Ripple (although maybe works out for you with Raiblocks or Lunyr). I think that the related news article could be useful to anyone in a general sense but can't really be taken to the exchange often for profits.
As far as the blog goes, the information looks good.. and the articles seem concise and I found one of them actually really interesting.
Just please don't use this as a reliable source of information on whether to buy coins or not.. "Hot" coins in crypto often will leave you burned.. (pun intended) By all means read all you can and help those along the way.. just don't buy something because you saw NEO or TRON was mentioned 17 times this week.