If you have an incoming connection, then your node is probably configured properly to accept incoming connections. Can you go to canyouseeme.org and key in port 8333. If it shows that its open, then it isn't much of a concern.
Have you adjusted any of the connection parameters (i.e. ports and maximum number of connection count)?
Hi Thanks for your reply:
I think the incoming connections are working fine - it just seem weird that Bitnodes website test failed...I'll try canyouseeme.org next.
Regarding connections parameters, no - I haven't done anything yet. Like I mentioned before I'm pretty new to core node. I'm not sure what I need to do in term of participating with the peers and blockchain. I'd like to learn what I need to do to give my contribution...is there any books or website where I could gain some insight on how to participate in the community?
PS: I just check canyouseeme.org and it works 😊 - thank you !