I am selling my TE700VRVI Super Deluxe Wide Mouth Tamisium Extractor. I have only used this extractor 3 times so it is VERY clean and 100% working condition.
This is a great way to SAVE money by RECYCLING the butane you use. This recylced butane can become as pure as <95%.
Includes: -TE700 Stainless Steel Extractor ($4700 value) -TE700 extractor/dryer tank ($350 value) -TE700 lexan lid vacuum gauge and safety QD ($240 value) -Carrying Case ($140 value) -20ft. safety purge line ($30 value) -Laser thermometer ($30 value)
I have invested ~ $5500 into this extractor and I hope its next user will enjoy it as much as I did!
I am asking 9 BTC
PM me with offers