August 28, 2011, 02:15:53 PM |
I have designed a PHP UDP flooder. With this, you can type in the IP address that you would like to take offline. This is designed to test your own connection for vulnerabilities. It was not designed to take out your enemies, such as hateful scammers or just those that are annoying. This booter has one of the largest collections of shells, it can take down many small websites, which is good for testing on your own website to build up your security and patch flaws.
I keep my customer records completely anonymous and can provide free setup of Cain and Able as well as a VPN to further anonymize yourself. Also, I provide lifetime support.
I designed this myself, I did not design it for this website but rather a different forum I go on, but I would like to try selling it here too.
I can also be contacted for my e-mail address or my MSN.