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Author Topic: Two systems of counting stars. Which ones are the same in both?  (Read 390 times)
remotemass (OP)
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ASMR El Salvador

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January 25, 2014, 05:55:44 AM

Consider two systems of counting/naming the observable stars, A and B.
In A we start with the Sun which will be "Star 1", then we have "Star 2" that will be the closest to the Sun, then "Star 3" that is the second closer to the Sun, and so on and so forth.
In B, we also start by calling the Sun "Star 1" and "Star 2" will also be the closest to the Sun, but then "Star 3" will be the closest to "Star 2", "Star 4" the closest to "Star 3", and so on and so forth.
Which starts, apart from "Star 1" and "Star 2", will be the same stars in A and in B?

p.s. I got inspired by the beautiful image of connected stars at:

{ Imagine a sequence of bits generated from the first decimal place of the square roots of whole integers that are irrational numbers. If the decimal falls between 0 and 5, it's considered bit 0, and if it falls between 5 and 10, it's considered bit 1. This sequence from a simple integer count of contiguous irrationals and their logical decimal expansion of the first decimal place is called the 'main irrational stream.' Our goal is to design a physical and optical computing system system that can detect when this stream starts matching a specific pattern of a given size of bits. } Satoshi did use a friend class in C++ and put a comment on the code saying: "This is why people hate C++".
Phinnaeus Gage
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January 25, 2014, 09:36:45 AM

Consider two systems of counting/naming the observable stars, A and B.
In A we start with the Sun which will be "Star 1", then we have "Star 2" that will be the closest to the Sun, then "Star 3" that is the second closer to the Sun, and so on and so forth.
In B, we also start by calling the Sun "Star 1" and "Star 2" will also be the closest to the Sun, but then "Star 3" will be the closest to "Star 2", "Star 4" the closest to "Star 3", and so on and so forth.
Which starts, apart from "Star 1" and "Star 2", will be the same stars in A and in B?

p.s. I got inspired by the beautiful image of connected stars at:

Holy shit! I can incorporate what I envisioned earlier today with this damn thing:
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