With over 200 different types of masternode projects, many of us in the masternode community are starting to feel the fatigue. Every day I skim the Bitcoin Alt section, I see more and more masternodes popping up with copy/pasta code and no real utility. Sometimes communities get a little defensive when I ask a few basic questions:
- Could I please read the whitepaper?
- Besides speculation, could you tell me a little about the utility of the masternode? (especially without a whitepaper)
- What makes this project unique from the other masternode projects that have been released recently?
As an investor, I feel like those are valid questions to ask. I believe Divi addresses a number of items I've wanted to improve:
* Tiered Masternode SystemI like the idea of leveling up when it comes to masternodes. If I own a silver masternode for example, I know I just need to buy some more Divi to move to a gold level with additional bonuses.
* One Click Masternode Setups- While setting up masternodes might seem as routine as brushing your teeth in the morning, you are a very small minority. We need to make it so easy for people coming into the masternode ecosystem to setup their own nodes, they are piling in to take part in your project.
* Masternode Pools- Users can pool family and friends into a higher level masternodes with a simple interface. Those masternode pools can be setup payout to different wallets along with multisig protection. I would guess this feature is a great way to pull in friends/family that might be on the fence about getting involved in the crypto space.
The CEO of Divi wrote a great blog post explaining their vision for Masternodes being released next month:
https://www.diviproject.org/blog/post/divi-masternodesMasternode QuestionsIn your opinion, what types of innovations need to happen to make the next generation of masternodes appealing to people first entering crypto? How about features that attract people that have only been exposed to projects like Bitcoin and Ethereum? If you could wave a wand, what needs to happen in the masternode space?