I have a few rigs (scrypt coins based on 3 x GPUs : 2000Mhs each)and a new bitcoin miner (30GHs)
When I started I thought I would make money, and was considering starting a business around it.
Now I've got a bit of experience, I am much more interested in this as a hobby and to support the network.
I may not make my investment money back (I've covered about 30% of my costs so far over the last 2-3 months so fully expect to end up out of pocket)
If you want to make money, and believe in bitcoin/cryptocurrency, then you're better off just investing in the currency (ie buy bitcoins)
If you want to start a new (expensive) hobby, then get into mining. Scrypt or SHA256 doesn't matter - its not a money making investment.
Now I've done both, once you know what you are doing, bitcoining mining with standalone cubes is much more reliable and easy to set up than scrypt mining with milkcrate rigs.
My rigs give me periodic grief