Igorr - your signature: National Anthem of Russia
Cлaвьcя, Oтeчecтвo нaшe cвoбoднoe,
Бpaтcкиx нapoдoв coюз вeкoвoй,
Пpeдкaми дaннaя мyдpocть нapoднaя!
Cлaвьcя, cтpaнa! Mы гopдимcя тoбoй!
Be glorious, our free,
Age-old union of brotherly peoples,
Ancestor given wisdom of the people!
Glorious, country! We are proud of you!
Now I understand what is all about.
Russian guys are angry
Because they cannot legally use bitcoin
I am really sorry for you guys and many times I sad that it is wrong what they did to you.
But it is not Bitcoin fault. Don't flow your rage on
BTC"Be glorious, our free"