Although you give this is free and everyone just using their own prize, how are you going to manage to get some payout? Are you saying that you are going to fund the draw with your own money? You need some bigger promotion at least to attract big player or at least many small players to boost your site wagered or even profit
They do charge 5% of the total prize pool it seems, so that's probably enough to keep everything running.
Don't mind that at all, I like the fact that the tickets are cheap and love to see bigger prize pools.
Out of a lottery game 5% deduction is just fair enough and i had read up conversations above about that 5% deduction usage. Its been cleared out that this is used for further promotions and maintenance of the site which is just really a normal thing for a site to charge on. Tickets are indeed cheap but i agree on the suggestion that there should be some pot that do also deduct 5% on the prizepool and add up as the rounds goes by and a particular draw should be done to win up that prize but well this is indeed part of promotion or feature if admin will add up or not.
I tried for a while to make a way for the prize pool to spill over onto the next prize pool, but that created some problems with how our lottery functions as that bitcoin could then also 'win' the jackpot and it would be confusing as the 'sender' of that bitcoin that spilt over should not be eligible to win in the following draw from that previous deposit, etc. But the idea of taking an additional 5% and adding it to a 'jackpot' address that keeps filling up until someone wins a 'jackpot' is a very interesting idea and I wouldn't mind seeing how that plays out. As for now however, I feel like the jackpot would be too insignificant and I think we will have to wait until the site grow a little more before the 5% really even means anything.
640 blocks until Draw #005, I really encourage you guys to deposit a few hundred satoshi / retweet our tweet for your chance to win the 0.01 BTC [so far] this draw