I purchased the gunbot 8-9 months ago thinking that this would be an easy way to increase my stack of bitcoin.
This is what I found out
The information spread out amongst a wiki, github, 2 telegram groups and the forum. There is no organized way to learn about the bot.
They have what are called rolling releases.. meaning that Each update attempts to fix bugs in the previous version and adds new bugs of it's own. You will only find out about the bugs when you can sift through all your transactions to see why you sold something at a loss or why did it not sell at all. Sometimes there are ways to avoid the bugs, how will you know ? Because it will be posted in one of the above mentioned avenues of communication. Forget about facebook because you will spend your days scouring through the different mediums to find out the details of the bugs
Can I lose money with the bot ? Absolutely.
Can I only lose money if I am trading shit coins ?No you can lose money from the bugs that caused you to miss the sell or cause you to buy above your set price.
If I don't like the bot or can't figure it out I can resell it right ? Good luck with that. The forum is full of people who are trying to sell their bots but are unable.
https://gunthy.org/forum/index.php/board,47.0.html Along with the mandated minimum pricing schedule that is imposed. The minimum is imposed so that Gunthar can still sell new licenses and sales because all of the used bots will eliminate the demand for new ones.
But there are a bunch of people in the gunbot thread saying how much money that made so quickly and easily. They are shills ! Look at how many posts they have. Most of the those are from brand new accounts with less than a few posts. The others are nothing but leaches that have made a side job of shilling everything from settings, to scripts, to escrows relating to the gunbot.
So are you saying that nobody is making money with the gunbot ?No, if you want to invest a lot of hours to learn about the bot and continuously monitor the chats to find out about the bugs and spend an hour or 2 each day to baby sit the bot Yes you can make money.
It's automated trading right ?Yes the bot works by itself but you are going to invest a minimum of 10 hours a week babysitting the bot and monitoring github, telegram and the forum. Don't believe for a second that you are going to set this up and forget about it or that you will only check it every few days
My verdict was that if I am going to spend a few hours each day to tend to the bot then I might as well just do manual trades. Hence that is what I have done. If you read this and still want to buy the gunbot then contact me and I will sell you mine through an escrow
If someone is telling you to buy it ask yourself if they are involved somehow in the Gunbot space. Selling something related to it. Are they profiting from trading or profiting or
some other way related to Gunbot