Ah, missed that (never look in off-topic).
No worries, I only remembered from a bored weekend a while back skimming through off-topic!
Back on topic (for Project Development) couldn't we use this situation for an additional bit of bitcoin promotion in China (and Chinese-speaking communities)? Do we know how well-known bitcoin is in China? A few things I can think of for Nefario's students to do are:
a) Translate a good English (or other non-Chinese) introduction to bitcoin into Chinese.
b) Develop a plan to promote bitcoin, using the text from step a.
c) Implement the plan from step b.
Elsewhere people have promised bounties to Nefario's students for funny pictures, some involving bitcoin. These could be used as well. Anyway, I'd be prepared to pay a 5 BTC bounty for each step above - though I'd need help with step a, as my non-English language skills are non-existent...
Bitcoin是点对点(peer-to-peer)基于网络的匿名数字货币。点对点(peer-to-peer)的意思是指没有中央权威控制货币 的汇款通道。相反,这些货币转帐的任务是由网络节点进行的集体管理。匿名就意味着交易各方可以隐藏自己的真实身份。优势: 无需信托中间人,能够方便的进行互联网上的汇款。第三方不能够控制或者阻止您的交易。Bitcoin 交易几乎免费, 而信用卡的网上在线支付系统通常收取 1-5% 的交易费用,加上其他各种费用高达数百美元。避免了中央储备银行的不良政策和不稳定性所造成的安全隐患. Bitcoin系统的有限货币通胀是均匀分布(由CPU决定)于整个网络, 而不是由银行垄断. Bitcoin 是一个由Satoshi Nakamoto 制作的开源项目, 目前处于开发测试阶段. Bitcoin 研发网址位于SourceForge.
使用 Bitcoin: 在 选项(Options)->生成(Generate) 货币(Coins) 获得帮助网络运行的几个货币. Bitcoin 在计算机的后台运行,因此不会影响其他程序的运行. 它可能需要数天时间产生一个货币, 请耐性等待. 随着时间的长短而不同, 你的贡献决定于CPU的空闲挂载时间. 最终的Bitcoins总量将达到21,000,000货币单位,这是货币量的上限. 在支持网络的节点上, 以CPU的负载时间决定他们的贡献量, 这套货币将以稳定的步伐在数年间逐渐进入流通渠道.
This is bitcoin.