wow awesome
I wonder what is going to happen when new encryptions come out that actually change enough that a hard wired chip will not handle it, is there maybe thought going into a cpu like chip on a board like maybe something like the CPU that is used on pi's or other developement boards like the a15 with quad core system, so they can be pipelined to speed up their hashing power or something? or maybe the actual chips from AMD that are used on the video cards to make a hybrid GPU/asic or something? going to be very interesting and I am tracking down the origins of the gridseed chip so I can watch that developers progress and new tech thanks to these guys and zoom hash's threads making me aware of their product, just wish I could get my hands on a few that is for sure. lol. OP interested in trading for some cool stuff ?
Gridseed made the Avalon chips in all the Avalon bitcoin ASICs, so they are pretty well known. I am never selling my 4 big GPUs, GPUs will almost always be able to do the different algorithms. I was running Maxcoin and Helixcoin, which are keccak (sha3), gridseed resistant, for a very long time until they died. Bitcoin asics can mine any sha256 coin, like Unobtanium, Teacoin, Firefly, etc. So these 'litecoin' asics will always be able to mine litecoin, dogecoin, kitteh, IFC, etc. I see Keccak, scrypt-jane and scrypt-N becoming more popular as more scrypt-asics hit. The algorithms will always be changing, there are even coins that jump algorithms every so many days to be completely asic-resistant. And yes, you can still use high powered CPUs on some coins if you wanted too, and also abuse Amazon Web Services to run their Xeon processors