Good idea I support any initiative that offers solutions to healthy FOOD and to educate the community about the benefits of it but is this the right place?
Many thanks for taking the time to answer @hugeblack. It's true that I offer solutions for healthy food and natural remedies but my store mainly focuses on physical products, that's why I believed the 'Goods' section would be better suited for this thread. Receive my apologies if it was better to post it in Services, if a moderator considers it belongs there feel free to move the thread.
I mean that this forum focuses on crypto so that most of those in this forum are computer-related and I do not think that many of them are very interested in eating healthy Grin Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue.
I posted a
message in 'Services' where I talk a bit about what convinced me to enter BTC personally and in business. The educational talks by John Mcafee which showed me the potential of the blockchain beyond transaction tracking, they made me want to support it. I like computers and imho quite a number of tech savvy people tend to be very smart and careful about their health, exercise and eating habits. The stereotype of an obese programmer is a myth specially among true BTC supporters who are well aware of the state of health society is in.
Generally, you can start, most marketing campaigns here rely on signature campaigns where people wear a signature related to the subject you want to promote, for more Read this topic ---> Services.
Thanks for the heads up, I'll read the article. I don't know if it will be effective a signature to promote an affiliate physical product but it's worth a shot.