So I just thought of a game that is connected in what I do in real life. I use a
Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM) . It's a microscope that has the source of electrons instead of light (i.e., optical microscopes).
You could learn more about it
hereThere are no
prizes (yet
) It's just for fun and entertainment, like in the title.
Anyway, the game would go like this. I present an SEM Image with high magnification of an item, any kind of item whether it's everyday household things, or probably just anything that is also interesting. See the image below.
Note: SEM analyzes tiny things up to nano level, and you wouldn't expect it like that it's a part of it. I would give the real-life image of the item to have a verification also.
So post your guesses to what Item it could be and you would have bragging rights!The answer would be given a day after or depending on the number of answers that will be posted!P.S. It's an original SEM Image captured by me, and you wouldn't be able to search it anywhere on the internet.
If you can also suggest for the next item to be guessed, send me a pm!