The late versions of electrum reload the lists in timeframes of some seconds. This is really uncomfortable since when editing a label you suddenly are thrown out and even your sorting is gone. So at the end you sort fast and write fast and maybe even save the first part of the label first before it reloads again.
Can this be changed? I just want the list to stay the way I sorted it and of course it should let me write without reloading.
I think the "refresh" might be related to having the "fiat" value displayed... screen refreshes when fiat value is updated etc.
When the displayed fiat value is set to "NONE" it doesn't seem to refresh (as often):
After changing this setting, you might need to restart Electrum to get it to stop refreshing...
Also, since some time all the addresses are in one huge list again. Might be that is to bring users to create a new wallet from time to time but it's still troublesome. Can we setup somehow to not show used and empty addresses?
You need to turn filtering on using "Wallet -> Addresses -> Filter":
This will then allow you to use the "all/receiving/change" and "all/used/unused/funded" filters: