The link on the main post like an affiliate link and surprisingly an administrator of a casino uses gmail, is this serious? The gmail uses the same domain/name as the affiliate program name of the casino "fairplaymatrix".
Frankly speaking I doubt that OP is an official administrator of the I guess he is just an affiliator who tries to get some referrals by offering free btc on signup but people need to signup using the provided link.
Well, op is the administrator of the site. Fairplay3218 did reply and stated that "I am the administrator of this casino". I think it's a referral link when you are an In my opinion, I don't think their casino will have lots of gamblers in no time because I open the site and when you register people will think that they have to fill their phone numbers but it is possible to register an account only filling up the email address and password. When you are on the site I didn't see any referral program and when scrolling to the very bottom of the site and click affiliates then you'll be redirected to
take a look at the casino site with 3218 number at the end of the domain name.