Quantopian is a very popular platform for quantitative trading.
https://www.quantopian.com/for those not familiar with Quantopian it is a platform "like kaggle" for algorithm trading..
You have access to historical data;
the capability to share your trading strategy on jupyter notebooks (it got all data science, machine learning tools pre-installed);
backtesting (zipline library under the hood);
foretesting (paper trading);
Contests, etc.
I found this one
https://crix.io/Is there any other you guys may suggest?
Superalgos is based on systematic strategies instead of pure numbers crunching. It allows building both complex and simple strategies on a visual environment (no coding required!). It has a powerful backtesting / paper trading / forward testing / live trading engine. Best of all is that it is completely free, open-source and trustless (as it runs everything on users machine--so you don't need to trust your strategies, api keys, funds or personal data to anyone).
You build strategies, test them, and can see the results directly over the charts, trade by trade, with every action taken by the strategy plotted over market data and indicators. Upcoming version allows processing custom data sets and building indicators...
The project is bigger than just the app... you definitely should check it out...