Whichever way, it is possible. But would it lead to a secure online wallet?
in theory yes. in practice .. well depends
it depends on how the individual keys are brought together.
for instance if binance creates 3 keys and hands them out then binance could still keep all 3 keys
another risk is the script could end up being just a 2-3 multisig, not 3-3 which a naive user doesnt realise meaning although each person independantly supplied a key. the script creator fixes it so only 2 of the 3 are needed meaning 2 parties can collude to mess with the third user.
there are things like LN that run on 2of 2 multisigs and there are still ways to mess with a counterparty.
such as refusing to sign unless counterpart agrees that one party gets more out than deserved. forcing people to sign just to get something rather than nothing.
other risks are if an app is involved in the multisig communication. where the app might be tweaked to fake its results or just auto-pilot signing transactions.
in short there are many other risks and strategies to consider. so nothing is truly fool proof