Pozdrav svima,
Prvo, jako mi je žao što je ova poruka prevedena s Google Prevoditeljem (izvornu englesku verziju možete pronaći u nastavku):
Moje ime je Simon AKA Komodorpudel (znam, moje ime na Bitcointalk-u je Komodor, ali to je druga priča
) i ja pomažem u upravljanju prevoditeljskim naporima za Bitcoin.org, neslužbenu stranicu Bitcoin-a.
Trenutno imamo potrebu za ljudima koji pomažu prevesti bitcoin.org u hrvatski i pitao sam se može li nas netko ovdje podržati.
Informacije o tome kako započeti s prevođenjem možete pronaći ovdje:
https://github.com/bitcoin-dot-org/bitcoin.org/blob/master/docs/assisting-with-translations.md#getting-started-with-the-translation-team Slobodno se pridružite ili Telegram Group ( https://t.me/bitcoinaroundtheworld ) i predstavite se! Svi radovi su na dobrovoljnoj osnovi, ali su ljudi koji su prevedeni tijekom posljednjih nekoliko mjeseci bili kontaktirani kako bi im se platili neki bitcoin za svoje napore, a mi planiramo ponuditi više tih mogućnosti u budućnosti!
Puno vam hvala na vašem vremenu! Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, ne ustručavajte se pitati ih ovdje ili mi pišete na Telegram (korisničko ime: "@Komodorpudel").
Lijepi Pozdrav,
Hello everyone,
My name is Simon AKA Komodorpudel (I know, my name on Bitcointalk is Komodor, but that is a different story
) and I help manage the translation efforts for
Bitcoin.org, the unofficial site of Bitcoin.
We are currently in need for people that help translate bitcoin.org into Croatian and I was wondering if anyone here could support us.
You can find information on how to get started with translating here:
https://github.com/bitcoin-dot-org/bitcoin.org/blob/master/docs/assisting-with-translations.md#getting-started-with-the-translation-teamFeel free to join or Telegram Group ( https://t.me/bitcoinaroundtheworld) and introduce yourself!All work is on a voluntary basis, but people who translated during the last few months were contacted so they could be paid some bitcoin for their efforts, and we plan to offer more of these opportunities in the future!
Thank you very much for your time! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them here or by writing me on Telegram (Username: “@Komodorpudel”).
Best regards,
EDIT: Telegram Links updated.