If you want to quick and easier way of making money from this domain without needing to outlay a lot of capital, turn it into a faucet and giveaway reference list.
Go and get "cryptoearnapp" for facebook, twitter and instagram:
https://www.namecheck.com/search/?searchterm=cryptoearnappCreate social pages for drawing users to your site, and make the site a big list of different faucets in a table.. add a single page for each faucet which people can click on with a link with more details about them, run adsense on the site, get referral links from all faucets and use those to get revenue from referrals.
This could be set up in less than a month for less than $300. Buy followers for all your social platforms, the start manually publishing deals from the faucets on social. Constantly keep publishing about the faucets listed, share links to your site and social pages on Telegram, Reddit, Linkedin, build a mailing list if you can, and try to do as much of this as you can autonomously.
Building a faucet is significantly harder than this - this can be done with wordpress. Alternatively, just try to sell the domain you might be able to get a few hundred for it on Sedo or godaddy auctions.