so it's a good thing overall. you should not disable that option.
It's good for fees, but it is bad for privacy. It undeniably links the inputs to both transactions as both belonging the same wallet. This may be inconsequential, but this also may reveal a lot about one of the transactions which you did not want it to, such as allowing an exchange to track and deanonymize other transactions you have made.
We can't be certain that exchanges are not tracking us although they should not be, if I held a bank account I wouldn't think that it's not reading my transactions and using them for its own commercial purposes either.
Just unbatching fees alone is not going to stop people from correlating your future transactions. You have to throw in a lot of unrelated inputs and outputs as well to throw them off somewhat.
Since it's an exchange we're talking about, making throwaway addresses won't help, if it's even possible to make new addresses, since the exchange has your private keys and knows the derivation paths it used to make your addresses.