has this bitcoin trading tool been tested? please provide an explanation and evidence so that novice traders can use this tool without hesitation. We wish you kindness to be able to provide an explanation and evidence of this trading tool.
Like other trading tools, the platform basically has some little tools that can help traders know stuffs like the overall market sentiment at any time using tools like the crypto fear and greed index which is use to guage market momentum and Bitmex open interests which gives an overview of traders stance (whether short or long). It's a cool app, only problem is that it doesn't have support for other altcoins except Bitcoin and ethereum.
^ Exactly, probably because those coins are at the top of all cryptocurrencies which means ETH and BTC are commonly used to pair in different altcoins that you trade. I like the tool, as a matter of fact, I bookmarked this for future reference, it seems that this has a little similarity to the trading view that it is very helpful to those who want to use technical analysis upon trading activity. Nevertheless, just also wanna know if you are the owner of this interesting tool.