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Author Topic: Oh, market manipulation is finally bad now?  (Read 862 times)
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May 22, 2021, 12:29:57 PM

Yes it is decreasing day by day... You need to wait for it .. because in the long term it will help you Alot ... So don't be sad just wait for few months and then it will rise again....

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May 22, 2021, 12:36:53 PM

How come almost on-one didn't bat an eye when Elon was pumping BTC by tweeting about it? In fact people were encouraging him to tweet about BTC or doge, and now it's suddenly market manipulation and potentially illegal when he is tweeting shit about it and it's going down?

Ha ha  Cheesy You are absolutely to the point. This might give a heartburn to a lot of people.

One thing that we need to take account of is that Bitcoin and Crypto markets are still not mature enough. Any single tweet from a celebrity can cause a jump in prices or a plunge in prices. Therefore, until we reach a more mature market for Cryptocurrencies, we have to be wary of these kind of situations.

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May 22, 2021, 12:41:38 PM

How come almost on-one didn't bat an eye when Elon was pumping BTC by tweeting about it? In fact people were encouraging him to tweet about BTC or doge, and now it's suddenly market manipulation and potentially illegal when he is tweeting shit about it and it's going down?
It is simple nobody would want to acknowledge it when they are also gaining from it but when things turns bad they would look for someone to blame on.
People would only look on it when things are going bad they wouldn't acknowledge it as long as it would be good for them unless they want to be criticize by others for bad mouthing someone who is doing good on their eyes.
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May 22, 2021, 03:27:07 PM

Yes it is decreasing day by day... You need to wait for it .. because in the long term it will help you Alot ... So don't be sad just wait for few months and then it will rise again....

I think that today Bitcoin and other crypto will rise again, as long as I see the market cap for the market. There are at least 30B USD has entered the market. It means that recovery has been end for this money support of whales. They really wait for this ocasion, because they can buy at the dip and sell at the top then get the profit.
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May 22, 2021, 05:04:17 PM

How come almost on-one didn't bat an eye when Elon was pumping BTC by tweeting about it? In fact people were encouraging him to tweet about BTC or doge, and now it's suddenly market manipulation and potentially illegal when he is tweeting shit about it and it's going down?

Ha ha  Cheesy You are absolutely to the point. This might give a heartburn to a lot of people.

One thing that we need to take account of is that Bitcoin and Crypto markets are still not mature enough. Any single tweet from a celebrity can cause a jump in prices or a plunge in prices. Therefore, until we reach a more mature market for Cryptocurrencies, we have to be wary of these kind of situations.
The present condition of the market is not just all because of Elon Musk. Yes he is trying to manipulate the market, but we should never forget too that the market alone is very volatile. So we should always expect for sudden jump or plunge of the prices.

We are currenty in dip right now and it saddened us particularly for those investors who just came in when bitcoin was still in its high peak. But we should not resort into panicking just because of this. Bitcoin  will have its own time to rise and its already proven with its past struggles from long bearish season.

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May 22, 2021, 08:17:25 PM

Do you think that Elon bough (as Tesla company) $1B worth bitcoin without researching it? Every point that he brings now was well known by every investor and by him in the moment of his investment. He is just fudding now for his own purposes (short term price manipulation).

Whoever thinks that Elon is surprised by BTC energy consumption or BTC decentralization now ... months after financial decision of purchasing 1B worth bitcoin is crazy. Everyone who thinks he is fudding before selling his bags is even more crazy.

Probably the best comment I've seen on this topic in recent days!

Rich people, including Musk, do what they know best; make more money - for themselves. What makes anyone think his tweets can be of value to anybody else but Musk?
The best curse of action, if Musk says Bitcoin's good - start selling, if Musk says Bitcoin's bad - load your bags with even more coins. This is probably what he does as well!  Cheesy

In manipulation, there always the M factor as a result of overall FUD and FOMO. And this M factor is Management, of Media, by Money.

Media has that much power to make anything identical overnight, even can destroy too. Very important thing how you look towards media. Now with social media, anything can be possible as usage and competition of already well-established social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, Instagram, Telegram, and many more. These are not only social media but also great platforms to reach a targeted mass audience by spending money as everyone offers paid advertising.

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May 22, 2021, 09:09:03 PM

How come almost on-one didn't bat an eye when Elon was pumping BTC by tweeting about it? In fact people were encouraging him to tweet about BTC or doge, and now it's suddenly market manipulation and potentially illegal when he is tweeting shit about it and it's going down?
Actually this Elon was really a manipulator and indicator in the market in which everything that he tweets become a major asset and reason on what would be the outcome of the market. I've seeing this as a bad habit or bad activity because of these scenario many people are having a hard time on reading the market and due to these happenings many people are getting hype on every coin that Elon is tweeting.
As he is a big influencer and billionaire, many people will follow his words. I think some are realising this now that Elon loves to troll. It is sad, but many will still follow his tweets as they hope to gain a profit.
I don't know why he is doing this, but he loves to troll people for sure. Manipulating the market is a huge issue, especially if its use for personal gain.
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May 22, 2021, 09:12:12 PM

I really don't understand why people are so surpized when btc or the entire market gose down .. its normal when only a hand full of people control 80% of btc
And dont be surpized in 12 hours from now when btc will hit 50k again

Especially when we all know that the market won't stay up forever and neither will it stay down forever, and I agree, there are more powerful people who are involved in btc and holds quite a large sum and has the power to turn things around in one single move, this is a calculated attempt to shake off weak hands and for the whales to buy the dip.

it could also just be Elon on heavy dope that he found under pillow in the middle of the night, smoked it and decided to tweet a bit. I don't know if we aren't attributing too much of the market action to Elon's tweets. I mean sure he is a multi billionaire but does it make sense that he can cut Bitcoin's price almost in half by saying Bitcoin uses too much electricity?  Huh
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May 22, 2021, 09:13:53 PM

Market manipulation has always been a detrimental thing to the prices of cryptocurrencies. In a good way or bad way, the market actually shouldn't be affected by anyone's actions, tweets etc. . But I don't know if it is possible to see in the future.

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May 22, 2021, 09:43:01 PM

People quick to follow on the shills and trends of people who are influential enough to swoon the many are the ones to complain when things get awry. I would admit I am a fan of Elon and still currently am because of the measures he takes to help advance the science of this century. But in hindsight I was aware that he may do something like this in the future, and I wasn't wrong. He turned 180 against bitcoin and backed a seemingly useless memecoin instead of something that has a very good use-case token.
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May 22, 2021, 09:58:03 PM

When Elon musk started posting about bitcoin people where really happy and wanted the man to post more about bitcoin so that it will pump more but I really believe elon musk posting about bitcoin is not a really good idea I believe is just a manipulation of market which is currently happening now, but I believe with time bitcoin price and other altcoins price are going to be stable and bitcoin is still going to pump hard but is just a matter of time.
























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May 22, 2021, 10:38:46 PM

Honestly, I always thought that Elon Musk preferred Doge to bitcoin because Elon is a man who likes to attract attention and the meme coin makes more attractive.
When Michael Saylor replied to his tweet I thought we could have won an ally but I was not so convinced. Then came the change in his bio "bitcoin", soon after bitcoin no longer appeared in his bio.
Hmm, bad news to come.
He started tweeting about doge and I assumed he was no longer supporting bitcoin.

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May 23, 2021, 09:55:29 AM

Honestly, I always thought that Elon Musk preferred Doge to bitcoin because Elon is a man who likes to attract attention and the meme coin makes more attractive.
When Michael Saylor replied to his tweet I thought we could have won an ally but I was not so convinced. Then came the change in his bio "bitcoin", soon after bitcoin no longer appeared in his bio.
Hmm, bad news to come.
He started tweeting about doge and I assumed he was no longer supporting bitcoin.

Who knows if he prefers Doge over Bitcoin, I think he just wanted to make fun of all the lemmings in the market. He can tweet and everyone follows. Maybe he himself was surprised when he realized how easy it is for him to move such a big market. It shouldn't be that simple for him and it is unreasonable for investors to dump because of short messages a person posts on social media.
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May 23, 2021, 01:00:34 PM

Bleeding still, when will end nobody knows. Do we need help from musk now hahha, or just to sit and wait recovery.
Elon Musk? Nobody listens to him after trying to manipulate the market and leaves the situation getting worse. If ever he wants to help for the fast recovery, he better not make a tweet about it otherwise, it criticizes like a joke.
Much better to keep calm, just sit and wait for the recovery as it was found helpless blaming someone like Elon as it was done already. I know this will not the last time that manipulation will come, there are more coming, we still don't when and who did it. But at least we know already what will be the consequences and its impact on the market. 

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May 23, 2021, 01:41:09 PM

Bleeding still, when will end nobody knows. Do we need help from musk now hahha, or just to sit and wait recovery.

The best thing to do when the market bleed is to sit back and enjoy the show. If you want, you can use this opportunity to accumulate some cheap coins for yourself. But this is not the time to sell any of your holdings. As we have seen on numerous occasions before, as long as the basics remain strong, the prices will recover (especially when the correction is caused by baseless FUD). At this point, it is difficult to say for how long the impact from China and Elon FUDs will last. Hopefully we'll be back to 50K by next month.
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May 23, 2021, 01:46:44 PM

How come almost on-one didn't bat an eye when Elon was pumping BTC by tweeting about it? In fact people were encouraging him to tweet about BTC or doge, and now it's suddenly market manipulation and potentially illegal when he is tweeting shit about it and it's going down?
No one's really saying that what he does is illegal but many normal investors are being affected by the way he manipulates the market. Maybe it would be best if he just became neutral and didn't do anything at all with regards to dogecoin right after abandoning bitcoin because his motives are clearly shown by his actions. There are many people who are worried right now but I would tell you that instead of worrying, take it as an opportunity to buy while the market is currently bleeding and you will soon benefit once the market has finally recovered.
Tahsin Kabir Kollol
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May 23, 2021, 02:33:47 PM

Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency and its popularity is growing worldwide. Through various ups and downs, various types of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, have reached their present state, and cryptocurrency acceptance among the public is increasing. It should be noted, however, that the growth of cryptocurrencies requires time and widespread public acceptance. So it is unreasonable to assume that the value of cryptocurrency will continue to rise due to positive comments from individuals or organizations. In the current scenario, Elon Musk and other beneficiaries have taken advantage of the current situation and those who have invested in the market trends are losing even if only temporarily.
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May 23, 2021, 02:49:28 PM

For me its an opportunity to buy in market now because of dip price, then I hodl. Elon Musk maybe have influence some investor, but many investor also are rich like Elon. Buy now the dip of market for sure will end rise again.

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May 23, 2021, 02:56:55 PM

The person in the spotlight of market manipulation today is Elon Musk, I'm sure there are still people behind him, if only Elon Musk quit bitcoin there would certainly be an immediate entry for backups, But the arrival of Elon Musk is true bad manipulation, he destroys bitcoin in a subtle way.

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May 24, 2021, 04:22:54 AM

We have seen market manipulation alot of times, this happened not only on crypto market but also in stocks market. There are two sides to Elonmusk's tweet, which is good for the long-term growth of the crypto market, but bad for traders for short times. I think Elon Musk already do great think to trigger bull market of crypto after 3 years in bearish season. Elon Musk still supported BTC and he will tweet again about other good fundamental of BTC. BTC will overtake fiat in the future and with limited supply the price will keep high in the long run.

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