What happen if I bought a b8 coin and can’t be swap, can they allow it to only buy and no sell?
The coin still persist in mine meta wallet
Audit totally needed to make sure b8 can also be sold in the market. The contract creator can put a backdoor or suspicious code to make people can only buy but they will not able to sell their coin. You must try to read some articles about squid game coin. This token didn't let its buyers to sell what they have bought from the market and the developer was running away with all of liquidity that already sent to the liquidity pool.
You must be careful with any token and you must have checked it first before try to access your token. There was also dusting attack. If you can't swap your coin and then you have lost your money.
I suggest you try to read some reliable articles about squid game. that will give you a lot of knowledge about this trick. You can try to check through sell small amounts of your b8 coin to make sure whether you can sell it or not. You needs to address your curiosity by doing a small swap.