How many Bitcoin nodes would be unable to communicate if Government ordered ISPs to cut off those hosts running the Bitcoin client?
Let's say the Bitcoin nodes did some onion routing (not sure if this is built into Bitcoin software, if someone knows then please comment), then how would this affect the ability of ISPs to detect Bitcoin nodes? At the operational concern level of a government funded assault on the nodes in the name of 'national security' and/or 'terrorist financing'?
How about if China/Russia/Iran/NK or Klaus Schwab's WEF decide to release a virus or worm or whatever i.e. a huge cyber attack on the internet and cut off power grids, etc. and all devices have to be 'temporarily' disconnected (temporarily.. sounds familiar) and then an additional internet protocol is set up whereby all ISPs and routers are ordered to reject all hosts that don't follow the new 'cyber-19 vaccine' protocol.
I just let out a brain dump, I want to kick start a conversation about the serious propaganda campaigns those in power have the ability to initiate. I don't give a fuck about speculating on Bitcoin's price, I am concerned with the entire internet's vulnerability - but ofc all decentralised p2p payment systems would affected by such attacks, affected as in rendered obsolete.
There's an article written here which is relevant, thoughts? Can somebody point me in the direction of other material similar at the intersection of propaganda/cyber attacks? I suggest you all print off techical documents explaining what the internet is, what anything is, and how to survive off grid, and then put these pieces of paper in a fire-proof safe - you'll have lots of free time once WEF launches it's cyber-propaganda campaign to initiate their great reset.