With all the uncertainties, it's surprising if someone doesn't see the need for a second source of income. Diversifying our income can naturally increase our overall earnings. Relying on trading as your main income is risky and can be frustrating due to market conditions. Every trader experiences this. We need to set up passive income streams. For me, it helps me sleep better without much stress. By diversifying our income, we can achieve greater financial security and enjoy life more.
If someone can diversify their sources of income then that is indeed a good thing, but that also does not mean that we should consider trading as our main source of income. The main source of income is not necessarily the highest source of income but must be stable and capable of meeting our essential needs. Meanwhile, who dares to guarantee and think that they can make a stable profit from trading? Like what is happening these past few days, can any trader dare to claim that they are making very stable profits in an extremely volatile market?
If you follow market news, you will know that in the past 3 days, hundreds of millions of USD have been liquidated, and if this situation continues, what will happen when we consider trading as a main source of income? Where will we get money to cover daily expenses?