We can use the Merit Dashboard to see some of these things. For example, the following set of filters list those that sent between 0 and 5 sMerits historically, have received at least 30 sMerits, and were last active this year:
https://public.tableau.com/shared/SHDCG54YX?:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_linkWe can play around with the filters to fit different criteria. Perhaps an additiional filter would be necessary to delimit the sMerit TXs to a certain timeframe.
Another way would be to use the Google Sheet I update each week, as per the procedure described here:
I keep a monthly track of those that are the
most generous and the meanest in terms of usage of their sMerits for my local board, with the obvious limitations related to data for airdropped sMerits and Merit Source sMerits, but if gives me a rough idea of what we wanted to see over there.The associated
Google Sheet includes a second tab where I include the data for all merited profiles forum wide, and with a bit of patience, once can place filters and play around with the data.
If, for example, we set a filter for "MeritsEarned" > 50 and "%sMeritsSent" <= 25% (over earned) I get a range of 452 accounts, of which only 185 are Active/Semi-active (have at least logged-in over the past 30/90 days respectively). With this set criteria, there are two profiles that posts every now and then on my local board, and which I merit. I know that they are sMerit mean buggers, but above this lateral game, I appreciate their technical knowledge that they tend to display when helping out stray members on my local board. Other than that, I’m not really aware of other people’s meriting habits, even though I could easily check on the said list. I’ve got more merits than I tend to hand out, despite my sprees, so I’d probably only consider their meriting habits if I had very few sMerits to handout, and even then, in the big picture, it doesn’t seem like much of an issue.