Thought it was a site but I ended up opening my telegram, I don’t think this is a good idea to share information but it looks like you have a good followers already.
If you can give a more useful links to discuss these patterns it can be a big help, to beginners this is good if you are still learning trading and still learning how to use these patterns.
Yep, it's obvious a click bait as he has to point it to his telegram account, and I will say that it doesn't sit well with some of us here who have seen this kind of strategy before.
If there is onethread that can help traders, I will recommend this:
Trading Cheat Sheet CollectionIt's an old thread but still relevant in my opinion.
Yeah, I think this old thread will do, it has a lot of information to swallow even if you are not a beginner. Because it covers intermediate to even advance trading pattern that can all help us.
As for the OP, hmmm, it's better not to direct anyone to your Telegram group. It has been frown upon by the community, specially coming for newbies. So the better approach is to just post everything here in the beginning. And later just put a disclaimer about your Telegram, IMHO.