West Coast Cash Collectors - Los Angeles & Nevada
Rate: 8%
Min Sell: $2500
Max Sell: $25,000
Serious sellers only
OP I see this is your first post as a newbie and I would say welcome to bitcointalk platform. It is nice seeing you here. I must ask you this, how come your first post is hovering around transactions without any proper introduction to your company profile or portfolio? In as much as you are trying to do business, there should be some level of courtesy as regards your deal because, with your presence here, members would be skeptical about you and would not want to have any dealings with you. I would advise you to use a reputable escrow service here if you must deal because nobody would look in your direction when they are not sure or convinced of your services.
Nevertheless, if I may ask you, I saw 8% as rate, can you tell us what is it for? Or is that fee for transactions? If yes then it is on the high side which I do not think is feasible here. Maybe you should look into it and get it reviewed.