If I want to create different wallets with a mnemonic sentence specific to each wallet from an HD wallet, I have to reset the HD wallet each time (for example with a bitbox) ?
I don't know if I understand correctly, but for hardware wallets you need to reset your device and then import new mnemonic seed phrase each time, yeah I know it can be time consuming.
From my research, I think there is only one hardware wallet that enables use of multiple seed phrases in the same time
(Cypherock X1), but this device works in much different ways than other hardware wallets.
Some DIY devices however are offering very nice fast import of seed phrases with simple QR code scan.
I just have to try again to install electrum ... Thank you very much for your answer. (I have problems to install electrum, despite all the good advice, but I'm not very good I think ...)
Sparrow wallet is a good open source alternative, and I think it works just fine in combination with Bitbox and other hardware wallets.