zeus has The Antminer S19 XP Hyd 257TH. do not know the price.
I think OP is talking about the non-XP hydro 130-150th range, and he is correct, they are pretty cheap, I have them for 8.5$/th, roughly 0.3$ cheaper than the regular air-cooled S19, and 5$ cheaper than the pro, hydro cooling is not as simple as running air-cooler miner, the cooling efficiency is a lot better but it comes at an expensive cost to set up the right infrastructure, it seems like people are more interested in getting air-cooled miner and submerge them in liquid cooling or, stick to what they already know (air cooling).
I think hydro cooling is better suited for larger operations where you have one huge setup that connects a dozen of them, and it becomes worth it, for smaller operations, I am not sure if it's worth it, to this point, I have not sold any hydro units.