Now you have the opportunity not only to convert #DASH into tokens but also to trade with any coin, including PIRATE. Currently, we have the following liquidity pairs:
wDASH/PIRATE - $448.74 (8.06 wDASH / 21,100 PIRATE)
wDASH/BNB - $477.32 (8.5191 wDASH / 0.7577 BNB)
If you want to exchange DASH for PIRATE, simply follow the
direct link to the trading pair. And if you need to exchange DASH for USDT or another coin, you can find other exchange options on PancakeSwap.
💰 Also, great news for arbitrageurs: we do not adjust the wDASH rate, meaning you can sell at a higher price or buy at a lower price with us, and then exchange DASH on other exchanges.
The current wDASH rate is $28.18.