Yes, I guess that's it. I define value in the way... most people define value: a thing you can use to obtain what you want or need in an open market.
Uncensorable, unstoppable, verifiable, globally accessible, permissionless, transparent, scarce, peer-to-peer cash is, apparently, a "thing" people want or need in these markets.
It's just that,
to you, it seems like these properties don't fit the needs or desires of people.
The only reason people
might want those things is because it will make them more money so they can buy more stuff.
Indeed, when you say "xyz is better" in a financial context, that's what people almost always think you mean.
you don't mean that. And that's sorta... different
You seem to be saying you want those things
as ends in themselves completely detached from any sort of earthly value e.g. buying things you want or need. If that's how you feel, then that's fine and I respect that. But keep in mind a lot of people will be confused by what you are saying, so just keep that in mind.