Design help for Crypto4me of Cryptovest Financial Services.
Hey i was hoping to get your preference on the website style
Should we stick to this ? move to this ? site is still in beta and will not be operational (thought it now works) for a few more weeks as we are raising additional capital.
unique features of the site.
Market stabilityWe want to help stabilize markets and our customers will have their orders auto hedged if we perceive their order having a market impact.
That means if you are making a large sell or buy order 5-150 bitcoins or more we can remove your market impact and lock you in a price giving you a higher return then you would get selling on the open market.
No more crashing the market when making large sales and more stable markets.
You can read more about Crypto4me
hereYou can buy shares in Crypovest
here Thank you for all the support so far we really need investors to get this off the ground!