It looks like they decided to pick up an article from
It's a good sign that they feel that the price of bitcoin is a newsworthy event. It's also good that the average person checking the NASDAQ site sees bitcoin as just another financial instrument available for use and or investment.
When the Winklevoss' fund gets listed there on NASDAQ like it's supposed to at some point here it will be even better. That will be another milestone for bitcoin. Average people will be able to buy their ETF with their Schaub or E-Trade account like they would buy APPL or MSFT.
I find it funny how 'average people' think it's easier to buy bitcoin through all that bureaucratic crap (i wouldn't even know how to buy stocks if my life depended on it) than to just buy some from a BTC/USD exchange or any of the many other ways to buy bitcoin.
Do you think a Bitcoin fund will soon be listed on NASDAQ for trading?
Why or Why not?
wasn't the winkelevosses working on this?