so why do i need loan : i have to payback 0.2 btc to a friend who want stop calling or posting on my skype that he wants his coin back and he has been too vocal about it ..i said him i would return his coins in 8 days ie a week but he won't settle for it
You don't need a loan. Point your miner at his address and pay him 1/8 a day for 8 days. He's not going to complain very hard when he starts getting payments.
Better you be in debt to a friend than to a stranger on here, right?
VOd thats what solution i came up with but he isn't even ready to wait for a week to get his coins ...and tried to make him understand but he is a unreasonable person tried offering him interest . he said interest is HARAM i can't accept it ...
Now u see wht situation am i in