MaidSafe Coin GatewayAccount IDNXT-3CAK-QM6B-34VL-4UFZK
Asset ID4217408298985923930
Asset DescriptionEach Asset represents 1 of 452,552,412 total MaidSafe coins.
WithdrawalsYou may Exchange These tokens for MaidSafe coins by sending them to this account NXT-3CAK-QM6B-34VL-4UFZK. Please include your
MaidSafe coin compatible bitcoin wallet address.
Please private message me with your NXT account ID and bitcoin address as well.
withdrawal minimum 1000 MAID
DepositsYou may also exchange MaidSafe coins for Asset Exchange Tokens by sending them to this bitcoin address 16SzbMe54Kn1c2kFGAom3ALJywdwFRWGn7.
Please private message me with your NXT account ID and bitcoin ID as well.
deposit minimum 1000 MAID
Fees.5% Withdrawals
.5% Deposits
*I'll do my best to have deposits and withdrawals taken care of within 24 hours.
* I own 50322 MaidSafe coins. they can be viewed here*all MaidSafe Coin assets on the Asset Exchange above my 50,322 are from other who have chosen to use the MaidSafe Coin gateway described above.
*The Asset contains 500,000,000 tokens to leave room for people to deposit their MaidSafe coins for tokens. I would have selected the exact number, but it is not allowed when creating an asset. Sorry for any confusion.
link to original post.