162,792 total LTC blocks =
8,139,600 LTCCurrent Bid price at BTC-E.com - 0.001389BTC/LTC
8,139,600 LTC = 11,305.9044 BTC =
$75,636.50Litecoinpool.org has about 153 users mining currently at 21.5MH/s
Total Hash Rate of LTC network is about
58.3MH/sI'd say there are roughly 375 unique miners of LTC at least.
Not every person who owns LTC is mining LTC from what I can confirm on chats etc.
So the user base of people holding LTC is at least 500 people.
Now take the entire market cap of $75,636 / 500 people = $151 per person.
I find it hard to believe that each person (on average) has only invest $151 of their time,electricity, or finances on LTC with the hardware that exists, the mining software that exists (reaper etc.), and the sites that have come up (mostly pools for the time being).
Now coupling all of this with the fact that ASICS
will drive GPU and FPGA miners elsewhere once ASICS hit the bitcoin market.
The price of BTC will increase which in turn will also doubly increase the price of LTC.
Then again...I could be wrong
Genius mate !
Price of USD increase so that will also make price of BTC increase too !
You don't have a clue ... when BTC price rises ALL altchain prices FALL.