I think you should review your site ponzi. It's really not good for invesment.
You also think about a opportunity cost if someone intented to invest into your site.
Not a ponzi.
Denying the fact a hundred times does not make it any more legit.
You can use a different name for whatever it is - you can call it
- Investor-based scheme
- Pyramid scheme
- Gambling
- <Insert your own definition here>
But in the end the fact remains same - old investors get paid from new investor's money.
there's a difference between an MLM and a ponzi
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-level_marketinghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponzi_schemeas it seems to me, this is a MLM scheme
however, any sort of product should be introduced so there's actually something you sell instead of just a membership
like an e-book or something
though, I don't have anything against ponzis as long as everyone investing knows what it is and how it works